26 Jan 2022
Madang Avenue Public School
Dear parents and carers
Welcome to a new school year, an exciting time as our students start or return to their school journey. I want to share how we are building on our experiences of the last 2 years and continuing to safeguard our school community while keeping our school open, where we know the best learning happens.
We will start 2022 with a layered approach to COVID-smart measures that have been developed in partnership with NSW Health to help to minimise transmissions at school. The health and wellbeing of our students and staff remain our priority, and these measures are designed to help to keep our school open and our students learning in the classroom.
These key measures include:
● Rapid antigen test (RAT) kits will be provided to all students (P-6) to help monitor your child’s health and minimise transmission of COVID-19 across our school.
● Wearing of surgical masks indoors is required for all staff and is strongly recommended for all primary students. Masks will be provided by the school if required.
● Only fully vaccinated visitors essential to delivering and supporting learning or wellbeing can come on a school site.
● Two parents or carers are allowed to accompany their child into school on their first day of Kindergarten or students starting at a new school.
● Students will be kept in stage groups on school grounds, with staggered break times, playground and canteen access to minimise the spread of COVID-19 across cohorts.
● Canteen orders will be taken at school entry points when arriving at school. EFTPoS facilities are available at the main entry gate.
● We will continue to use good hygiene, enhanced cleaning, good air flow and ventilation in learning spaces, as well as physical distancing practices.
While this is not going to be a normal start to the school year, we know that being together in the classroom is the most effective way for students to learn and grow. Your child's relationship with their teacher is important, but as we manage potential disruptions to staffing due to COVID-19, they may get to meet more teachers than usual.
Classes for 2022
Parents and carers of students in Years 1 to 6 will receive a text message on Monday afternoon advising their child’s class for 2022 and the name of their teacher.
On Tuesday morning all teachers will be clearly visible in the infants and primary playgrounds for students to join their class when the bell rings at 9am.
Please let your child know the arrangements for collection at the gate in the afternoon.
Kindergarten students, accompanied by their parents, will assemble outside the school hall on Thursday Feb 3 at 9:30am.
Rapid antigen testing
We will distribute packs of rapid antigen test (RAT) kits for all students and staff at the start of Term 1.
The use of RAT kits is an important step to support the health and wellbeing of our students and staff. They are a quick and easy screening tool to help detect COVID-19. It is a simple process of placing a nose or throat swab in a chemical solution, which is put onto a scanning device. Results can be ready within 15 minutes. Use of RAT kits is highly recommended but not mandatory.
Instructions are included in the kits detailing how to use the tests, check the results and dispose of the tests safely. You can also download the instructions through the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)External link website. The user guides will also contain a contact number for the suppliers if you need additional support.
How and when do I pick up the RAT kits?
● Packs of RAT kits will be available for collection by parents or carers from Thursday January 27 until Monday January 31 between 9am and 1pm. (this includes Saturday and Sunday)
● Please telephone the school on 96257144 when you arrive and drive in the main gate and wait in your vehicle outside the admin area.
● After your pack of kits are delivered you can leave by driving down and exiting through the lower gate.
● RAT kits should be collected from school by a parent or carer and the tests completed at home in the morning before attending school.
● Each student will receive an initial supply of 4 RATs to be used twice a week in the morning before attending school.
Test Results
● If a student or staff member receives a positive RAT result, they need to:
1. record the positive RAT result to Service NSW https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/register-positive-rapid-antigen-test-result
2. notify the school of the positive RAT or PCR result as soon as possible on 96257144
3. follow NSW Health advice link to isolate for 7 days.
Negative results do not need to be reported to Service NSW or to the school.
Unwell at school
Any student or staff member who is unwell and/or displays symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to go home and stay until they can complete a RAT or PCR test.
● If symptoms continue, they should stay at home and take another RAT in 24 hours or have a PCR test.
● If the second RAT or initial PCR test result is negative and they are displaying no symptoms OR they are diagnosed as another condition such as hayfever, the student or staff member can return to school.
When a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19
Under the new close contact rules, schools are no longer included in contact tracing. I will inform the school community when there is a positive case in our school and advise families on public health advice, including monitoring for symptoms.
All primary school staff will be required to wear masks indoors.
No vented or cloth masks should be worn. If required surgical masks will be available at schools.
Primary school students are strongly recommended to wear well-fitted masks indoors.
Visitors on school sites and vaccinations
No parents, carers or visitors will be allowed on school site until further notice with the following exceptions:
● Two parents or carers are allowed to accompany their child into school on their first day of Kindergarten or Year 7 or students starting at a new school.
● Allied health partners for the wellbeing of students must be fully vaccinated.
All staff on school sites are required to be fully vaccinated, including having their booster when eligible.
Other key measures
We will continue to follow NSW Health ventilation guidelines that natural ventilation is the most effective measure so we will maximise fresh air flow in learning spaces through opening doors and windows.
This approach is strongly supported by expert advice. Where natural ventilation is not sufficient, mechanical ventilation and/or air purification will be used and we will continue to use outdoor settings where possible.
Air purifiers have been provided to schools as a supplementary measure to support common areas in schools and can be deployed at the principal's discretion. These purifiers could be located in areas where high levels of student and staff mixing occurs, such as staffrooms, internal canteens, student centres and music rooms.
We continue to have enhanced cleaning focusing on high-touch and high-traffic areas.
Physical distancing
We will continue to follow physical distancing guidelines and maintain 1.5 metres distance wherever possible.
We appreciate your continued support for our efforts to provide a safe environment for everyone at Madang Avenue.
Meredith Myers